st-michaels-interiorTHE restoration of the Episcopal Church of St Michael and All Angels in Helensburgh was an eight year project successfully completed in the autumn of 2009.

The historical basis of the church's decoration is a subject not always appreciated, and is described in this article.

St-Michaels-ChurchON Sunday 22nd August 1841 a congregation of Scottish Episcopalians met in the room of a house in William Street, where Divine Service was solemnised by the Very Rev William Routledge.

Their first church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, opened on the site of the present St Michael's Church in 1843.

St-Michaels-ChurchMAJOR restoration of Helensburgh’s 140 year-old St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in West Princes Street — the town's only A-listed church — was completed in 2009.

Work began in May on the third phase of what was originally to be a four-phase project over ten years, the third and the fourth having been combined because of deterioration of the building.

MARCH 10 is a special day for Luss and Loch Lomondside, and the island of Inchtavannach in particular.

It is the annual day of St Kessog — or St MacKessog, as some know him — who was a monk who came from Ireland and founded the original Luss Parish Church in 510 A.D. and a monastery on Inchtavannach, which actually means Monk’s Island.

Clyde-View-frontAFTER 55 years of service to the people of Helensburgh and district, the Church of Scotland’s Clyde View Eventide Home closed its doors.

Many elderly members of the community were residents at Clyde View, including several centenarians, and the final residents were transferred to other local homes.

professor_duff287A RATHER heavy piece of local history left Helensburgh almost unnoticed early in 2008.

The original St Columba Church bell was sold and then removed from its resting place near the front door of the kirk.

The Gow Windows (left):

The right half shows a seated Madonna with the child on her knee and St Joseph standing behind them holding a lantern.

The Rev John Baird, the father of John Logie Baird, was the first minister of the West Established Church in Helensburgh, later known as St Bride’s Church. In 1981 this Church was united with the Church in the Square (then known as Old and St Andrews) to form the West Kirk.

A Religious Heritage exhibition was held in the Helensburgh District from August 15 until September 12 1998 and was a multicentre project.

It started in Cove Church hall — very appropriately, as St Modan brought Christianity to that part of the area in the beginning. The other two churches were St. Columba Church in Helensburgh and Cardross Parish Church.

west-kirk-wHELENSBURGH'S West Kirk celebrated two anniversaries in September 2006, with a commemorative act of worship for both on Sunday September 10.

It was 50 years since the union of the Old Parish and St Andrews Churches to become Old and St Andrews, and 25 years since of the union of Old and St Andrews with St Bride's Church to become the West Kirk.

west-kirk-wHELENSBURGH'S West Kirk celebrated two anniversaries in September 2006, with a commemorative act of worship for both on Sunday September 10.

It was 50 years since the union of the Old Parish and St Andrews Churches to become Old and St Andrews, and 25 years since of the union of Old and St Andrews with St Bride's Church to become the West Kirk.

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