Major Ian Purvis MC

A HELENSBURGH man who won the Military Cross for bravery in the jungles of Burma in World War Two went on to have a successful career in estate management in the West of Scotland.

bairdA professionally designed exhibit about John Logie Baird was installed in the library in West King Street in the spring of 2000.

The design is such that it can be moved and taken to another site when the Heritage Trust has premises of its own. The aim was to present an aspect of John Logie Baird which is rarely portrayed in all the writings about him.

Dr Anne M.Gray
Secretary of Helensburgh Heritage Trust 1996-2004
Honorary Vice-President 2004-2008

By Trust chairman Stewart Noble

zachary-macaulay-wONE of the most important figures in the fight to abolish slavery spent most of his childhood in Cardross and was educated in Helensburgh.

In the “Glasgow Journal” on 11th January 1776 the following advertisement was published: “NOTICE, - To be feued immediately, for building upon, at a very reasonable rate, a considerable piece of ground upon the shore of Malig, opposite Greenock.

richard_taitDELIVERING newspapers and selling clothes were the humble beginnings from which a young Helensburgh man rose to become one of the most successful businessmen in the United States.

hazel-irvineTOP BBC sports presenter Hazel Irvine from Cardross makes regular trips home to see the family — when she is not presenting coverage of top golf tournaments.

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